Friday, August 31, 2012

Aerobatic Ride in Extra 300L

This is John with a brief tutorial on how to post at DC. First make sure the title of your post (above) is something that will get Google hits. Just think what people will be searching for who are interested in reading it, or what will grab their attention.

At this stage I'm writing a teaser paragraph (or two). You need to tease people into reading more. Good titles and teasers are essential. After writing it place the "Read More" HTML text like this:

When linking to something I've placed some HTML's below to use when doing so. Do it just like this.

Don't use the "COMPOSE" mode. Use the "HTML" mode instead. It messes things up by adding too much HTML text causing the front page to load more slowly, unless you know how to use it. Always look at the "HTML" mode before posting. If you came in here on "COMPOSE" mode because of your last visit go to "HTML" mode right now, close this down, and then start again.

People will not know who wrote your post if you don't say so at the end, so say it even though they should know at the top of the post.

Preview your post. Edit it again. Preview. Edit. Then post. And edit again. Make sure it looks nice and professional.

Make sure any previous drafts have been deleted too.

Written by John W. Loftus
Make sure there are no spaces or lines after this.


Here is a sample post:

Baker Books Catalog Entry for "God or Godless"

You can see the cover of our book right here.

I feel the same as Dr. Rauser does when saying on his blog:
I have to tell you, the worst part about writing books is sitting on your hands for the year-long lag from completion of the manuscript to the day it hits the bookstores. As a result, you end up biding your time pathetically posting in your blog even the most trivial updates on the book which, come to think of it, is exactly what I’m doing right now.

Now delete everything I wrote above including this sentence in one fell swoop and write your post using the "HTML" mode and the text below:

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